
PC Magazine dropping print for online

PC Magazine just announced it's dropping print for online. It's getting to be a daily news item - the newest publication that's opting for web only.

Writing Law Firm Blogs -3: Content Marketing - Something Lawyers Need to Discover

Today, Writing on the Web was recognized as third in the top five content marketing blogs, and to quote from The Blog Squad's Press Release:

(San Diego, CA) November 19, 2008 – Advertising on the web is being replaced by a new style of marketing: Content marketing.

Businesses are using the Web to publish content that informs and entertains, instead of spending money on banner ads that get ignored.

As a result there are now marketing sites and blogs designed to help businesses master the new content marketing style. Joe Pulizzi is one such expert, and he recently published a list of the top 42 content marketing blogs on his site Junta42.

Writing on the Web, a blog written by Blog Squad co-founder Patsi Krakoff, Psy.D., placed 3rd on the list, which can be found at www.Junta42.com/top_42_content_marketing_blogs.

The top five content marketing blogs include:

1. Online Marketing Blog, from Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Online Marketing
2. Copyblogger, from writer and entrepreneur Brian Clark
3. Writing on the Web, from writing and business blogging expert Patsi Krakoff
4. Influential Marketing Blog, from public relations guru Rohit Bhargava, author of Personality Not Included
5. Web Ink Now, from David Meerman Scott, author of the bestselling The New Rules of Marketing and PR

“This new style of marketing is becoming extremely popular on the Web because it focuses on the reader, either by informing them, entertaining them, or by creating community relationships,” states Dr. Krakoff.

“The key is authenticity. Readers aren’t interested in the hype you see in TV commercials. When a business or professional publishes on the web, they must connect with customers in a way best done through writing valuable content that rings true,” she adds.

For the complete list of Junta's 42 Top Content Marketing Blogs, click here.

Why Lawyers Should Care About Content Marketing

It's been my experience that attorneys and law firm managers remain interested in websites, and usually look to their competitors for inspiration. They shy away from blogs, usually.

In my opinion, this doesn't separate anyone from the pack -- and clients in this economy are going to be looking for representation that is professional as well as distinctive. Blogs, or "blawgs," go a long way towards personalizing a firm and its people, building a collective organizational reputation as well as cache for the individual attorneys who are identified within the postings.

However, many firms are still unwilling to invest the time into blogging that it requires to be successful - and they are also timid about venturing forth into the World Wide Web in a personification that is different from their blue suit bretheren.

Setting Yourself Apart in Today's Marketplace

In today's economy, setting yourself apart from the pack has never been more critical for members of the legal profession. It's a fight for clients now.

Web marketing is such an untapped resource for many attorneys -- and content marketing, while a perfect for the intricacies involved in practicing law, remains ignored and unknown by most firms.

IMHO, of course.