
Grading My Own Papers: Top Results In Google that Hold Over Time

On August 30, 2011, I was asked by a national legal marketing agency to provide them with some details on what I achieve in Google results, and while I explained that I cannot violate confidentiality by providing statistics from ghost-coaching clients or ghostwriting clients I could - and did - provide them with the following:

1. Performance example of writing style/content from blog that I write with Terry Lenamon

Terry Lenamon on the Death Penalty  
  • This blog was holding at Google page rank of 5/10 with only 8 posts per month until our summer 2011 hiatus (now we're at 4/10). 
  • Google Everything search: death penalty | Google rank: 4 / 26,900,000 (first blog shown in results) 

2. Examples of holding top search results in Google from my four personal blogs (posts chosen at random): 

Reba Kennedy.Writer.Lawyer. 

Backseat Lawyer 
  • Google Everything search: lawyer blog | Google rank: 12 / 90,000,000 (still in the first page of results) 
  • post example: Google Everything search: jose baez | Google rank: 3 / 6,790,000 | post written: 01/15/2009 (2 years, 8 months old) 

Rebecca Kennedy's Blog 
  • Google Everything search: fiction writing blog | Google rank: 10 / 129,000,000 
  • post example: Google Everything search: thriller vs. mystery | Google rank: 1 / 13,200,000 | post written: 11/24/2006 (4 years, 10 months old) 

Everyday Simplicity