I don’t recommend a lot of books about blogging – nor do I buy them for myself – because lots of them are all about so pushy with promises about how to make millions from blogging (usually in only minutes a day, wow!)
However, here’s one of those exceptions to the rule: a new book offered both in print and ebook by Laura Booz entitled Blogger Behave: Make your blog benefit your life so you can love both!
You can read a short excerpt on Amazon if you’d like to investigate it.
Suffice to say, it’s for bloggers everywhere (not just lawyers) and it is a friendly book that helps to spread one of my big messages: blogging for hard sales shouldn’t be done by most of us, leave that to Ford Motor Company (and even they have a nice guy name Scott Monty to personalize their social media).
Blogging should be fun for you and the reader. Informative. Worthwhile. Worth your time and theirs.
If it’s not, then you need to not blog.